How Much Do Medieval Times Actors Make?

Medieval Times is a Renaissance-style live dinner-theater event that features actors dressed up as medieval knights, squires and royalty.
Image Credit: DianaHirsch/iStock/GettyImages

After experiencing the thrill of a Medieval Times dinner show, you might wonder, how much do Medieval Times actors make? While there are some variations between locations because of the cost of living and other factors, you might be surprised to learn about Medieval Times salaries.


How Much Do Medieval Times Actors Make?

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You might be surprised that most Medieval Times actors don't make a lot of money. According to the writers at CareerBliss, many recent job postings for Medieval Times actor openings report that the salary of a Medieval Times knight or other actor is an average of about ​$30,000​ per year. Glassdoor reports that the salary is between ​$22​ and ​$24 an hour​. This discrepancy is likely due to the fact that the job is not always full-time. A single actor will often play more than one role in different shows, but their pay remains the same.


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While that wage is higher than in many other fields, Medieval Times actors' jobs are, once again, not always full-time. If you end up with a part-time position, you don't receive any benefits like paid time off, health insurance or retirement. It also means you will work less than 32 hours per week, limiting your ability to earn more or hold another job. Still, many current and former knights report that they enjoyed their work environment and had a real sense of camaraderie with other cast members.


Other Medieval Times Salaries

Even though Medieval Times knight pay isn't very high, other staff members earn more. Cast managers or other Medieval Times managers make considerably more money than the actors. Their salaries range from ​$72,000​ to ​$77,000 per year​, and they also have full-time benefits that most of the actors don't receive. Medieval Times servers and waitstaff make an average of ​$4 per hour​, not including tips. Tips depend on the generosity of guests and the size of the crowd during that show.


Because the Medieval Times show uses live animals, especially horses, they need caretakers. Many Medieval Times employees are stablehands and other animal handlers. They make an average hourly wage of between ​$13​ and ​$15​. An assistant horse trainer makes about ​$15 per hour​.



Given these salaries, you might wonder what the Medieval Times company is worth. It was founded in 1973 and is still independently owned. Headquartered in Irving, Texas (in the Dallas area), Medieval Times has an annual revenue of about ​$120.4 million​. Medieval Times employs over ​2,000 people​ across the United States and Canada, with multiple locations (also known as castles), including Dallas, Texas; Buena Park, California; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Kissimmee, Florida; and Toronto, Ontario.


Medieval Times Knight Requirements

Are you interested in becoming a Medieval Times knight? If so, you will need to determine whether these Medieval Times knight requirements match your qualifications. The knight role requires a fair amount of physical agility and strength. Some stage combat experience is preferred but not required, as is real martial arts training. Knights should have a rugged appearance and must be physically strong, and a taller physique is ideal.


Essentially, an actor wanting to play a knight needs to generally look and act like a medieval knight, and in many cases, they will need to work their way upward from a squire position into a knight role, as explained on the Theatre in Chicago website in an audition posting for the Medieval Times. In addition, applicants should have acting skills and an acting background, along with horseback riding skills and the ability to speak in a British accent or something close to it. Stunt experience is also highly desirable for this role since some stunts are involved in the show.


