Emergencies happen and when you are in desperate need of cash there are many options to receive funds. Money transfer systems allow consumers to send money in a matter of minutes around the world. Moneygram is a popular option that provides a safe and fast mode of money transfer at no cost to the recipient. Moneygram also allows for transfers to be initiated online or in person at a customer service location.
Send a Moneygram transfer in person
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Step 1
Determine how much money you are sending through Moneygram and when your recipient needs it. Moneygram has online tools that assist in determining which wire transfer option suits your needs. The tools allow you to see the total cost of your transaction including service fees. For example, sending $100 from the United States to Afghanistan in 10 minutes has an $11 fee. Your total transaction costs would be $111. Locate your nearest Moneygram location using the location finder tool.
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Step 2
Be sure your recipient has access to a Moneygram location. There are over 90,000 locations in 170 countries.
Step 3
Go to a Moneygram office location to initiate your transfer. The in-person transaction limit for Moneygram is $10,000. All transactions must be paid for in cash.
Step 4
Initiate your wire transfer by filling out the Moneygram paperwork. Indicate the recipient's name, location and how much money is being sent. Indicate your delivery preference. Complete your transaction by presenting current identification in the form of a driver's license, state I.D. card or military identification and be ready to disclose your source of income. You are given the total cost of your transaction before proceeding. All transfers must be paid for in cash.
Step 5
Receive your Money Control Tracking Number when your transfer is complete. Keep all receipts and hold on to your MTCN number.
Step 6
Give the MTCN number to the recipient to pick up their money. Let them know when the money will be ready. Money transfers conducted in person have same day availability. The MTCN number allows you to trace the transaction and see when the money is collected by the recipient.
Send an online Moneygram transfer
Step 1
Visit the Moneygram website. Moneygram allows up to $899 in U.S. dollars transferred at one time and a total of $3000 USD transferred every 30 days through your Moneygram account. Fund online transfers with credit card or bank account information. Search the agent locator on the website to ensure your recipient has access to one of more than 90,000 Moneygram locations.
Step 2
Fill out your personal Moneygram profile. Select the "Send Online" link. After selecting the destination country, receive option and amount of your transfer, indicate that you don't have a Moneygram account Personal information including your e-mail and mailing address is required.
Step 3
Enter your transfer information. The recipient's name and your funding information are required. Funds transferred from a credit card are received on the same day. The transfer limit on credit cards is $500 USD. Funds transferred from a bank account are received in three business days and your transfer limit is $899 USD. Using your bank account requires verification by Moneygram. The company makes trial deposits into the account. Verification of your bank account takes up to three business days.
Step 4
Finalize your transfer. Your total costs for the transfer are shown during checkout. Fees are slightly higher for online transfers than sending money in person at a Moneygram location. Your total cost to instantly send $100 online to Afghanistan from the United States is $114, versus $111 to send the money in person.
Step 5
Receive your Money Control Transfer Number. When your transaction has been successfully processed, you are issued the MCTN. This number is used by the recipient to retrieve their funds.
Step 6
Let the recipient know when their funds will be available. Your funding method determines if funds are received the same day or in three business days. Tell the recipient they need to show a valid form of identification such as a state or military I.D. or a passport to receive their funds.