How to Emigrate to Australia

Australia is the sixth-largest nation on earth. The country's climatic zones range from tropical rain forests to deserts to temperate forests to snow-covered mountains. Australia offers open spaces and less expensive lifestyles and welcomes new emigrants. The Australian economy is strong, and the government is particularly looking out for skilled people with a specialization in many business and trade areas. Here's how to emigrate to Australia and enjoy this beautiful land.


Step 1

Get the advice of an experienced attorney or from Australian immigration consultants to see if you qualify for Australian immigration eligibility. Fill out an online visa assessment to determine if you qualify for skilled migration to Australia (see Resources below). A positive assessment does not guarantee eligibility, but it does satisfy the basic criteria. Other types of visa are also available. If you want to see how many points you need to emigrate to Australia, go online to the Australian immigration visa service (see Resources below).


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Step 2

Be a skilled professional. Managers, qualified professionals and skilled tradespeople are especially in demand under the skilled visa program. Schemes are available for skilled visas on a permanent or temporary basis and are all based on points needed to emigrate to Australia as set out by the Australian Immigration Department.


Step 3

Get the right type of visa. If you are between 18 and 30 and are looking to spend 12 months in Australia, then you may qualify for one of the many Australian working holiday visas that are available every year. This visa only permits you to work in a temporary or casual vocation. You may not enter into employment with one employer for a period of longer than 3 months. If you have an Australian partner or members of your immediate family permanently residing Australia, then you may qualify for one of several family visas. Under the Family Visa Emigration Programme, migrants considering emigration must be sponsored by a close family member or fiancé living in Australia. There are four schemes to choose from in order to find out if you are eligible for emigration. Select the one that best describes your situation. The sponsor must be either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen and would usually be 18 years of age or older.



Step 4

Find suitable accommodations in Australia before you move. You will need some documents when you first arrive. These include original birth, marriage, medical and work records. You can bring school reports for children and your university or trade papers, as well as your passport for travel.


There is a two-year waiting period for Social Security benefits.

Things You'll Need

  • Birth certificate

  • Proof of identity

  • Passport

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