My Sprint: How to Change Mailing Address

Sprint customers can utilize several different steps to update their billing address.

You don't want to risk having your service cut off because you accidentally miss a bill. If you're a new homeowner, you must remember to update the mailing address on file with your services providers in order to avoid this possibility. Fortunately, if you're a Sprint cell-phone and long-distance customer, you have the option of updating your billing address by either calling Sprint customer service or going online and entering a new billing address through the Internet portal.


By Phone

Video of the Day

Step 1

Call the Sprint Customer Finance number. The number is 800-639-6111. You may also dial *2 from your Sprint cell phone.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Inform the customer service representative that you are moving.


Step 3

Provide your new billing address.

By Internet

Step 1

Log into with an account that has owner-level access.



Step 2

Click on the "My Preferences" link.

Step 3

Click on the "My Bill" sub-link.

Step 4

Locate the billing address listing. Select the blue "change" option, which is listed just to the right of the address. Enter your new address.


Users of Sprint long distance services on land-based phone lines can notify Sprint of their change in address by completing a web-based moving form (see Resources). Keeping and transferring your old account instead of opening a new one will allow you to keep your Sprint discounts and savings.

If you don’t want to deal with receiving and responding to a paper bill, then you may want to take advantage of Sprint’s online eBill. You can sign up for the eBill through your online account. Each month Sprint will inform you via email of your pending bill.



references & resources