Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) are issued to non-residents and residents of the U.S. who are otherwise ineligible to obtain a Social Security number. Social Security numbers are only issued to individuals who are citizens of the U.S. Once an individual has achieved citizenship status, they can then apply for a Social Security number.
Step 1
Fill out form SS-5, Application for Social Security Number. This form is available on the Social Security website or at your local Social Security office. Attach documentation of your identity, age and citizenship. The Social Security Administration will accept your Certificate or Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship as proof of citizenship. Provide your state issued identification card or driver's license to prove age and identity.
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Step 2
Bring your application and documentation to your local Social Security office. You can find your local Social Security office using the online search tool. Alternatively, you can locate your local office using the phone directory. You will receive your Social Security card in the mail in approximately four weeks. Contact the Social Security Administration after four weeks if you haven't received your card.
Step 3
Notify the IRS in writing that you have obtained a Social Security number. Send this letter to:
Internal Revenue Service National Distribution Center 1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway Bloomington, IL 61705-6613
Step 4
Provide your ITIN, your legal name and your new Social Security number. Your Social Security number will now function as your taxpayer identification number. All previous documentation using your ITIN will now be associated with your Social Security number.
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