How to Get Money for Pregnant Women

Most states provide some kinds of aid for pregnant women in financial distress.

Pregnancy can be a joyful time, but many expecting mothers and fathers can be financially stressed out at this time as well. There are government and nonprofit services to help pregnant women with cash and other assistance. Many of these programs provide help with money, insurance, energy and nutrition.


Step 1

Check with your state Department of Health and Human Services. All states have different programs for pregnant women with financial needs. These programs may include money or services for insurance, nutrition and special health related needs. The programs often cover the mother and the child. In order to qualify, pregnant women must demonstrate limited financial resources.


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Step 2

Review the state food stamp program. Every state runs a food and nutrition program for low-income families and for individuals with emergency nutritional needs. Individuals with limited financial sources may qualify for a monthly food stamp amount or for a lump sum emergency food stamps.

Step 3

Consider applying for the federally funded WIC program. This is a nutritional program for women and children at risk. Once accepted into the WIC program, pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women can get money for nutritional food. The program also provides referrals to other federal and state agencies where women can find financial assistance.


Step 4

Consult your state's child welfare agency. Most states have a welfare agency for children run under names such as the Department of Human Services, Public Welfare Services or the Department for Children. This agency may provide money and pregnancy assistance such as foster care and adoption services. Health insurance and education money for pregnant women may also be offered under this agency's programs.


Step 5

Apply for the state Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. All states have the LIHEAP to help low-income renters and homeowners pay for utilities, heating and cooling bills. Cooling bills need to be medically related in order to qualify under this program.


Step 6

Check out adoption services. Women considering giving a child up for adoption may consult a nonprofit adoption organization for financial and health assistance during pregnancy. Many of these organizations offer adoption counseling as well as money to pregnant women in need. Make sure the adoption service is certified to operate in your state.


Step 7

Find nonprofit organizations serving the poor. Many local and regional organizations run programs to help low-income families and children. These may be run by churches, hospitals and other non-profit groups that receive government grant money to create programs and services to assist the poor.

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