AT&T offers a government assistance program providing discounted basic telephone service through the AT&T Lifeline program. This program is supported by federal and state funds that are available to low-income customers in 19 U.S. states and territories. If you live in: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas or Wisconsin, you may be eligible to apply. However, there are certain restrictions in some areas and this service is limited to one telephone per household.
Step 1: Check Availability
Check availability in your area. The easiest way to determine if your residence qualifies for the AT&T Lifeline program is to call an AT&T customer service representative at 888.256.5378 for United States customers. Different numbers apply for California and Texas so check the website for details. The hours you can reach them are between 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
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Step 2: Request a Brochure
Obtain the brochure. AT&T provides a brochure that explains how the program works, what the income guidelines are for qualification and each state's calling area. This information helps customers identify their eligibility for service and tells them what documents they may need to provide to prove their eligibility. You can request one be mailed to you when you call the customer service department. These brochures are also available in Spanish.
Step 3: File an Application
Fill out an application. Applications are available in the same manner as the brochures and are also available in Spanish. If you need any assistance with the application, do not hesitate to call the customer service number. You are required to mail in the application along with income certification to AT&T at the address specified on the application. This may be a different address depending on the state where you live.
Step 4: Re-certify Your Eligibility
Notify AT&T of any eligibility changes. It is your responsibility to let AT&T know if you no longer qualify for this program. You also need to re-certify every year to maintain your Lifeline discount.
If you live on tribal lands, you may also be eligible for additional wireless discounts that may make your service as low as $1.00 a month.
Double check all documents before mailing. Your application will be returned to you if it is incomplete, illegible or unsigned.
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