How to Get a Copy of Your W-2 Online

You can get your W2 online.
Image Credit: fizkes/iStock/GettyImages

In today's digital age, keeping paperless records continues to be the norm instead of the exception for many people. This trend also continues to increase among income tax filers. For tax year ​2020​ (representing returns filed in ​2021​), eFile reports a whopping ​90.5 percent​ of taxpayers e-filed their returns, compared to ​10 years​ prior when ​77.2 percent​ e-filed their returns (​2010​).


But if you still file paper tax returns, you may also want a hard copy of your IRS Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement). And even if you once had this document in your tax paperwork file, it may have gone missing, which is more of a critical loss if you're trying to meet a tax filing deadline. You can still get a copy or a transcript of your W-2 online, depending on how you filed your tax return.

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IRS W-2 Transcript

Where can I get a copy of my W2? If you filed a paper tax return and submitted a paper Form W-2 with it, you'll be able to get an actual copy of your W-2. But if you digitally filed your return, you'll still be able to get a transcript of your wage and income information by visiting and searching for the "Get Transcript" tool. You'll need to create a free account first before using this tool by providing information such as your Social Security number, filing status, date of birth and the mailing address that you listed on your most recent tax return.


You can also download and/or print IRS Form 4506-T (Request for Transcript of Tax Return) to request your W-2 information, free of charge. After completing this form, mail it to the address in the instructions that corresponds to the state where you live, or fax it to the number listed for your state. The IRS will mail your transcript to your address of record.


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IRS W-2 Paper Copy

How to get copy of W2 from IRS? If you filed a paper tax return and attached a paper W-2 to the return, the IRS notes that the fastest way to get a copy of W2 is to contact your employer who issued it to you. If that's not an option, you can also request this form online by printing IRS Form 4506 (Request for Copy of Tax Return).


There's a fee, however, of ​$43​ to do this. Taxpayers who have been adversely affected by a natural disaster are exempt from this fee by writing the name of the disaster at the top of Form 4506 in red.

SSA W-2 Paper Copy

Because employers submit W-2s to the Social Security Administration (SSA) before the SSA transmits the federal tax information to the IRS, you can also get a copy of your W-2 from the SSA W2 database.


Although you cannot request or receive a copy of your W-2 online, you will have to go online to print a form if you're paying for this service with a credit or debit card. The SSA offers this service at no charge if you need a copy of your W-2 for a Social Security-related reason, but you'll have to fork over ​$​​90​ if you need the form or a non-SSA-related reason.


If you're paying with a credit or debit card, visit and search for Form SSA-714. Print and complete the form before sending it with your written request for a copy of your W-2 to Social Security Administration, Office of Central Operations, Office of Earnings and International Operations, P. O. Box 33006, Baltimore, MD, 21290-3003

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