How to Send Online Bank Statements to Excel

How to Send Online Bank Statements to Excel
Image Credit: utah778/iStock/GettyImages

Downloading your bank account history from your bank's website will help you keep track of your spending long term. Having your own saved copy of your banking history is important, especially if your bank deletes old online records. These records also come in handy when verifying the purchase date of an item. Using Excel to store your banking records allows you to password protect your information and organize it in many different ways.


Step 1

Sign in to your bank's online banking website. Always use a secure connection when signing in so you do not risk having your account hacked.

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Step 2

Navigate to the history screen of your account. If you have more than one account, ensure you have the appropriate account pulled up before downloading.


Step 3

Find the export link located at the top or bottom of the history screen. If you can't find the export button, contact your local bank branch for help with their online banking program.

Step 4

Click the export link and follow the directions for your specific bank. You will need to select the spreadsheet option when presented with how you want to download the information.



Step 5

Open your Excel program, which is located in the Microsoft Office suite on your computer. Click on the "File" tab and then click "Import." Select the file you downloaded from your bank's online banking website. Click the "Open" button.

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