The "Real Housewives" Take Mexico, Here's What They Each Spent

Woot! It's that time in the season when the ladies go on a trip. The spending starts off slow, but as it progresses, the drama (and the spending) accelerates at warp speed.

Our Process: We tuned in to see just how much the ladies are spending. In order to calculate, we focused on money spent in the episode. Clothing, cars, houses, etc are not calculated unless the women make the purchase on screen each week. If the women go out to dinner, we will attribute the cost to whichever housewife is given credit for the scene, as designated by the "title" before the scene.


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

At the end of the episode, we'll tally it up to see who forked over the most dough (and who is in the lead for the season).

Discussing the trip to Punta Mita


Kyle and Maurizo are traveling to Punta Mita, Mexico to celebrate the opening of Maurizio's tenth office. "It's the perfect excuse to invite all my friends down," Kyle tells us, letting us know that she will be hosting this season's trip.

Kyle and Maurizio discuss the tip in their bedroom, which is starting to look a bit like LVP's— mirrored and pink? We noticed, Kyle. We noticed.


Total: $0. So far it's all talk.


Eden and LVP have breakfast on the terrace at Villa Rosa



Okay, we absolutely loved the interaction between Eden and LVP when Eden arrives at Villa Rosa. Eden thanks LVP for inviting her over, to which LVP replies, "I don't know why you're here." We learn that Eden has "something very important to discuss" with Lisa, and we know that the drama is soon to follow.


They enjoy orange juice, tea, and fruit out on the veranda while conversation once again returns to Kim…

That thing that Eden had to tell LVP? It's that Lisa Rinna was the one behind the accusations that Kim isn't sober.



Juice, Tea, and Fruit for Two: $15

Total: $15

Kyle and Lisa Rinna meet at Kyle’s Store

Lisa Rinna


Lisa Rinna pops in to Kyle's store, cleverly named Kyle, to tell Kyle that she spent a ton of money there yesterday (Why didn't we get to see it, Rinna?) and to talk out of both sides of her mouth about Eden and Kim. In classic Rinna fashion, she places the blame on Eden when we know she's been the puppet master— it's on camera.


They play with a leopard jumpsuit, but Rinna leaves without buying anything.


Total: $0, but we have a feeling Rinna will be paying for this one soon

Dorit’s family dinner



Dorit and PK take their two kids out for brunch at Caulfied's. PK orders a Bloody Mary, while Dorit opts for a glass of Chardonnay. No food is ordered that we see.

Bottomless Bloody Mary: $18


Glass of Chardonnay: $14

Total (with tax and tip): $41.60

Packing for Mexico

Lisa Rinna


Rinna talks to her housekeeper about her upcoming travel plans (don't forget your duster!). Nothing like a bit of paid conversation.

Half hour of conversation with your housekeeper: $10 (at $20/hr)

Total: $10

Traveling to Punta Mita, Mexico


The women meet at the airport to travel to Mexico. Because Kyle is hosting the trip, she's in charge of the bill. Husbands were invited on this trip, which means that's gonna double the airfare. We've got Kyle, Erika, LVP and Ken, Dorit and PK, plus Maurizio who flew down earlier. Rinna stopped in NY, so she's on her own for airfare.

Business Class Flight to Mexico: $5,950 (7 flights at $850/person)

Total: $5,950

Casa Cuixa

An agent at Maurizio's agency lent the group his uncle's home, which was also a rental. We assume that he gave it to them in exchange for exposure, but it seems that exposure has come too late. A google search yields the website for Casa Cuixa as a luxury rental, but the link has gone defunct.

Welcome drinks: $70

Villa: $0, RIP Casa Cuixa



Eileen goes to see her therapist about her grief and admits that she doesn't "want to fully go there." Tell us (and your therapist) something we don't already know, Eileen.

Therapy fee: $150

Total: $150

Jet skiing


Dorit, Erika, and Kyle rent two jet skis to enjoy the waves in Punta Mita. Erika, that ride or die girl, does both, so to speak. She rides that jet ski fast, and then falls off. It's all in good fun with Erika Jayne.

Total: $200 ($100/hr for two jet skis)

Lunch at PJ Clarke’s

Lisa Rinna

Rinna and Camille Grammer go to lunch at P.J. Clarke's while they stage mom over their model daughters. They order nothing because Lisa Rinna never orders anything… except maybe iced tea.

Total: $0

Walk with margaritas


Kyle and LVP stroll around the property with a drink in hand. They stop in front of a beautiful vista for LVP to drop the bombshell that all this gossip about Kim is coming from the one and only, Lisa Rinna.

Margarita: $10 (Kyle)

White Wine: $10 (LVP)

Drama: Priceless

Total: $20

Dinner at Casa Cuixa


The drama continues to unfold over dinner. Kyle is carrying much of the emotional weight, in addition to having to pick up the tab.

Tuna: $0 (handsome Maurizio caught it himself)

Private Chef: $350

Sides: $75

Drinks: $200

Total: $625

Lisa Rinna arrives in Mexico

Lisa Rinna

The episode ends with Lisa Rinna's dramatic arrival in Mexico while everyone else is in the pool. Because she flew by herself, she's on the hook for that airfare.

Flight: $850

Total: $850

Episode Total:

LVP: $15

Dorit: $41.60

Lisa Rinna: $860

Eileen: $150

Kyle: $6,865

Kyle wins this week!

Tally for Episodes 6-10:

Erika: $75,494

Kyle: $17,555.50

Dorit: $4,321.60

Lisa Rinna: $2,602.75

Lisa Vanderpump: $856

Eileen: $500

Eden: $352

