This Is How Much Was Spent in a Single Episode Of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"

Every week, The Real Housewives airs with an abundance of affluence and interpersonal drama. Last night, Bravo aired Episode 6 of the Seventh Season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

The Process: We tuned in to see just how much the ladies are spending. In order to calculate, we focused on money spent in the episode. Clothing, cars, houses, etc. are not calculated unless the women make the purchase on screen each week. If the women go out to dinner, we will attribute the cost to whichever housewife is given credit for the scene, as designated by the "title" before the scene.


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

At the end of the episode, we'll tally it up to see who forked over the most dough.

Lisa Rinna and Eden Sassoon Meet at Casa Vega

Lisa Rinna

Lisa Rinna and Eden meet up at Casa Vega, a Mexican Restaurant in Sherman Oaks, to talk about the healing power of stones, substance abuse, and family trauma. They order light. Chips and salsa are brought for the table (but never touched). Lisa orders an iced tea, and Eden sticks to a glass of water.



Iced tea: $2.75

Chips: $2.50

Salsa: $2.50

Total: $7.75


Planning a Grandbaby Shower

Kyle Richards

This week we learn that Kyle has agreed to host a baby shower for her niece. We see Kyle and her sister Kim talk about the shower, and Kim brings over a dress, but otherwise, no plans are set in stone. In other words, no money spent (yet).


Total: $0


Prepping a Music Video Shoot

Erika Jayne

Hold onto your sequin bodysuits because Erika Jayne is making her tenth music video. We watch her oversee multiple sets being built, check on costumes, and discuss hair and makeup.


Shooting a music video can be crazy expensive.** **According to Garrett Gibbons, a director of photography who has worked with Justin Bieber, videos that fall into the "healthy independent budget," which is where we would place Erika Jayne, can range from $20,000-$50,000. In her talking head segment, Erika repeatedly lets us know how much the video is costing her, saying "This is expensive," and, "It lives up to the title, 'XXpen$ive.' I promise." Given her insistence, we're going to put her in the top of Gibbons' bracket.



Total: $50,000

Kyle’s Game Night


Same here, Kyle

This is the big focus for this week's episode. Despite Kyle's disastrous history, she decides to try one more time and host the women for Game Night.


She pulls out all the Beverly Hills stops: a party planner who has been there all day, a bar replete with two bartenders, and a sushi bar with private chef, not to mention the flowers.



She received some lovely hostess gifts— Eden brought a bottle of rose— but we doubt that did a lick to offset Kyle's costs of hosting the party

Party Planner: $600 ($75/hr, eight hours)


Private Bartender: $400 (2 bartenders at $50/hr each, 4 hours)

Wine: $280 (7 bottles, $40 each)

Flowers: $300 (Did you see that centerpiece?)


Private Chef Fee: $350

Sushi Bar/Meal: $180 ($20/person, 9 people)

Total: $2,110

This week’s rankings

Erika: $50,000

Kyle: $2,110

Lisa Rinna: $7.75

Ericka Jayne wins!

