What Do I Need to Know to Get a Chauffeur's License in the State of Louisiana?

Individual states typically offer a number of levels of driver licenses, including a basic driver license, commercial driver license or chauffeur license. Louisiana's basic license is a class E license with a chauffeur's license being the next step up. Obtaining a chauffeur's license can mean additional employment opportunities or an increase in responsibility and pay at a current job. Obtaining a chauffeur's license is relatively easy and fast for those qualify.


When Is A Chauffer's License Required?

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The chauffeur's license in Louisiana permits the holder to operate anything within a Class E, or personal vehicle, license. In addition, a chauffeur's license allows the holder to operate any vehicle, or combination of vehicles, designed to transport passengers or property with a gross weight rating of between 10,001 and 26,001 lb. A chauffeur's license is mandatory when anyone operates a vehicle that carries passengers for hire or for a fee. This type of license does not allow transportation of hazardous materials, which necessitates a placard regardless of the weight or purpose of the vehicle.


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Who May Obtain A Chauffer's License

A candidate for a Louisiana chauffeur's license must first meet all the requirements for a class E license, or currently possess a class E license. The individual must be at least 17 years old and completed either a 38-hour drivers education course or a 6-hour pre-licensing course. The applicant must show proof of identity and have a valid Social Security card. Applicants must also pass a written, vision and driving skills test to qualify for a class E license. Additional requirement exist for a chauffeur's license.


Chauffeur's Tests

An additional written and vision test is mandatory to obtain a Louisiana chauffeur's license. The Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles provides study guides for anyone who plans to take the test. You can view the guide can be online or you can request a copy at any of the parish branches. These tests also require an additional fee.



How to Change Your Class E License to A Chauffer's License

To change your current class E license to a chauffeur's license, you have to take your current license to the nearest parish branch of the Office of Motor Vehicles along with proof of insurance. Any fees paid for the time remaining on your class E license credits to your chauffeur's license. At the time of publication, a chauffeur's license fee costs an additional estimated fee of $39.50, which you must remit in cash.



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