How to Sell Used Power Tools

Selling your tools requires the right exposure.

The key to selling your old power tools is exposure. There is no telling who is willing to buy your tools, so advertising in a wide array of places increases the chances of making a sale. Before placing your tools up for sale, remember that people are looking to get the most out of their money, so set reasonable prices.


Step 1

Ensure that the tools are in good working condition. Clean the tools. Power tools are hazardous to operate, so you want to ensure that there are no defects that will make them more difficult to use. Consider selling to the tools for scrap if they are not in proper working condition.

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Step 2

Research the average selling price for the power tools. Set a value for the tools. Factor the age and condition of the tools into the selling price. If you intend on auctioning the tools, do not worry about setting a value.


Step 3

Place the tools in newspaper classified ads. This is a powerful local source for exposure. Classified ads are inexpensive and do not contain shipping costs since you are appealing to a local audience.

Step 4

Create an account on eBay. Setup a Paypal account, as well, to secure payment transactions. Take photos of the power tools for the eBay auction post. Come up with a catchy title for the post.


Step 5

Include as much detail about the tools as possible in the post. Change the post font and colors to add appeal. Attach the photos of the power tools. Set the price for the tools if the price is fixed. If you want buyers to bid on the tools, setup an auction. Set a reserve price if there is a minimum price you are willing to accept. Set the shipping price.



Step 6

Have a garage sale. Plan the sale about two weeks in advance. Create flyers to put up throughout town and in the community. Place a newspaper display ad. Encourage your friends and family to spread the word about your sale. Ensure that the tools are clean and presentable. Regardless of the condition of the tools, people often purchase on appearance. Start the sale early in the morning. Organize the tools on tables. If you have the tool’s box, include it with the sale. Demonstrate the functionality of the tools by turning them.

Things You'll Need

  • EBay account

  • garage

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