Government Grants for Laid-Off Workers

There's hope for the unemployed.

The government offers many grants specifically for laid-off workers to assist them to either pursue higher education or find new jobs. Some of these grants are available through the federal government. Most are offered by state governments through programs specifically designed to assist laid-off workers. In most cases, these workers must sign up for the government program that offers the grants. Scholarship grants, on the other hand, are usually available to any citizen that applies.


Federal Grants for the Unemployed

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The federal government offers grants through its website at That's the only valid source for federal grants. Most of the grants that the unemployed are eligible for are for education. Most of the grants only fund a portion of tuition, and the applicant will be expected to cover most of the other costs alone. Unemployed single mothers may also have additional access to grants that other workers might not.


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State Grant Programs

Many states, such as Minnesota, offer special programs for laid-off workers to provide grants for education or for finding new jobs. Contact your state department of labor for more information about whether there are any programs that you might qualify for. Most of these programs have means-testing programs to verify whether you require assistance. Some of these grants are provided specifically to workers laid off in large quantities from a single company.


Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) under the U.S. Department of Labor provides grants to unemployed workers looking to advance their careers. You can find grants through the department website. Many of the grants offered through this department are specifically for workers in certain sectors (such as health or energy). The ETA also offers free education to assist workers in making transitions and prepare job application material. It also connects workers with state and local programs.


