How to Print W-2 Forms in QuickBooks

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Form W-2 is a federal income and tax document. Every employee earning more than $600 in compensation for the year from a single employer is required to receive a Form W-2, listing all income and taxes withheld. Using the accounting software QuickBooks, a business can easily keep track of and print all necessary Form W-2s each tax year.


Printing Form W-2

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In QuickBooks, go under the "Employees" menu option and select "Payroll Tax Forms & W-2s." Choose "Process Payroll Forms" and select the federal forms option. Choose "Annual Form W-2/W-3 − Wage and Tax Statement" and ensure you have the correct tax year entered. Click "OK" and review each employee's Form W-2. You can print all employees at one time or check or uncheck the box next to each employee name to print selected W-2 forms. Ensure you have enough paper in the printer before clicking the "Print" button and print a Form W-3 (which is a summary of all Form W-2s) for the IRS.

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