Can SCORE Help Me Start My Business?

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The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) helps individuals start and grow businesses. Known as "Counselors to America's Small Business," SCORE is affiliated with the Small Business Association (SBA). SCORE members mentor entrepreneurs and small businesses.


Services That SCORE Offers

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SCORE's services can help you start a business. The mentors that SCORE provides not only help you start the business, but can also aid you in growing it. SCORE mentors have helped over 11 million small business owners since 1964.


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SCORE provides many services to help you own and run a successful business. Some of these include:

  • Expert mentoring
  • Workshops and webinars
  • Digital readiness

All the services offered are aimed at achieving one goal: they were developed to help you succeed as a small business owner and entrepreneur.


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Mentoring That Provides Expert Advice

SCORE has a network of 10,000 volunteers who act as mentors. Each mentor has different areas of expertise. Mentors are assigned based on the advice and experience needed for your business.


Your mentor will act as an adviser. They can help you develop a business plan and offer business tools that work. Because your mentor has experience in running a successful business, they can help create new strategies and formulate new ideas.

You can meet with your mentor virtually, have a phone conversation or exchange emails. If the mentor assigned to you isn't a good fit for your business, you can request another.



A mentor, however, will not help run your business. They also will not give you tax or legal advice.

To request a mentor, go to SCORE's mentor webpage.

Workshops and Webinars Offered

Presented by mentors and other business experts, SCORE has weekly live webinars. Tips and strategies are shared that are meant to help grow your business.


Local workshops are also provided. This is an opportunity to not only receive expert advice but also to network with other business owners.

SCORE also offers courses on demand. This allows you to learn at your own pace.


Helping With Digital Readiness

SCORE has partnered with Grow with Google and International Downtown Association (IDA). The partnership has developed a four-part digital series. This series was produced to help business owners succeed online. By succeeding online, real growth is possible.



The digital readiness series helps a business:

  • Improve digital presence
  • Target and reach more potential customers
  • Develop ecommerce
  • Work remotely

It's a virtual world. And one way to help your business succeed is to learn how to position yourself in it. SCORE provides the tools to do that.


Women Business Owners

Women have made their mark in business. SCORE recognizes and promotes women-owned businesses. In 2019, the majority of business owners participating in SCORE were women. Sixty-one percent of SCORE clients were women.


Considering that 42 percent of businesses in the U.S. are women-owned, that's an impressive number for SCORE.

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How Much Does SCORE Cost

SCORE is funded by the U.S federal government. It is also a nonprofit partner of the SBA. Because of this government funding and 10,000 volunteers, SCORE can offer its services at no charge. This gives a small business exposure to many tools, ideas and experts without making a monetary investment.


Sometimes, local workshops do have a small fee, but those dollars stay with the local chapter.

SCORE Helps Start New Businesses

Starting out strong with a sound, well-rounded plan is imperative for a small business. SCORE provides services that help entrepreneurs start outright. Providing mentors to advise a young or existing business is SCORE's main purpose. When joining SCORE, you're able to take advantage of business expertise at no charge.

Launching a business is challenging and a little scary. SCORE helps minimize those fears by giving you the tools needed to succeed.

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