How to Ask for Product Samples by Email

Countless products are given away each and every day by both large and small companies. Companies provide sample and trial products to potential customers in a variety of ways, such as through coupons, free giveaways and contest winnings. This is a marketing effort by which companies are able to gain exposure and consumer interest for new and existing products. Product samples are often welcomed by consumers who are leery of spending hard earned dollars on foreign items. Many companies also give product samples to consumers who inquire about their products and ask for free trials, coupons or special discounts.


Step 1

Visit the company's webpage. Use a search engine such as Google, Bing or Yahoo to search the web for the company's website. Entering key words, such as the name of the product or the company named on the label, will often lead to the company's website.

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Step 2

Click on the contact information link. Most companies will have a "Contact Us" link directly on their homepage or on one of its subpages. This link will likely lead to the company's phone number, mailing address and email address.


Step 3

Email the company using the email address provided. Briefly state that you are very interested in a certain product and would love the opportunity to try it sometime in the near future. In one or two lines, explain why you are interested in the product and what you anticipate gaining by its use.



Step 4

Ask for a sample. Conclude the email by specifically asking for a sample of the product. Request a free trial of the product and discount coupons to use for future purchases. Include your name, mailing address and phone number in the email.


If an email address is not available for a particular company, call them instead. Using the same method of inquiry, ask for product samples over the phone.

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