Each state provides its citizens with financial, medical and employment assistance programs and services. In North Carolina, the Department of Health and Human Services runs these assistance programs and utilizes the Eligibility Information System to manage data about every citizen receiving assistance. The system assigns an EIS number to every North Carolinian who applies for assistance.
Who Uses It
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An EIS number is another way -- in addition to name and Social Security number -- that the Department of Health and Human Services privately identifies a North Carolina citizen receiving assistance from the state. The Work First Family Assistance, Medical Assistance, Special Assistance, Medicare for Foster and Adoptive Children, and Refugee Assistance programs all use the EIS system to track recipients. These programs use a person's EIS number to distribute assistance checks and Medicaid ID cards, as well as produce case management and data reports.
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How It Works
A North Carolina income maintenance caseworker enters each program recipient's information into the Eligibility Information System and is responsible for ensuring that all the information entered is correct. He also assigns each assistance recipient anr EIS number before entering the application into the system. The information included under a person's EIS number, such as income and job status, is also used to help determine that person's eligibility for certain programs and assistance.