How to Get a Copy of Your Unemployment Determination Letter

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Although every state in the country has different laws that apply to unemployment, applicants who qualify for the benefits are usually sent an unemployment award letter. Those who do not qualify can receive a determination letter that explains this, as well as the reasoning for it. Applicants can appeal these denials and, sometimes, they are then approved. An unemployment letter of benefits generally contains the name of the employer that the beneficiary worked for, how long they worked, the wages paid, the number of weekly benefits and the length of time they will be paid.


Getting an Unemployment Award Letter

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The U.S. Department of Labor posts that applicants must file claims with the unemployment insurance program that covers the states where they worked. So, if you live in New Jersey but worked in New York, you'll have to apply in New York. You can do this either in person, on the phone or online.


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You will have to answer quite a number of questions in completing this application. Make sure to provide honest, accurate information. You should hear back within two to three weeks after making the claim and, if approved, you will receive an unemployment letter of benefits. The first benefit check should arrive shortly after that.


When you first apply for unemployment, you will need to create an account. After that, you will be provided with a claim number. It is essential to save your login information and claim number because you will be using the website frequently to claim your benefits or make appeals. You should also keep extra copies of the unemployment award letter because you may need it to show proof of income if you are applying for a mortgage or housing assistance.


Getting a Copy of Your Award Letter

If you need a copy of your unemployment award letter, simply contact the agency that you applied for unemployment through. For instance, if you applied for an unemployment award letter in NY, contact the office of unemployment in New York for help. It can be difficult to navigate through these websites, so you can try calling for assistance.



The hold times for calling in can be long, but you may find that they are shorter if you call at the right time of day. Avoid calling during the lunch hour or just before or after business hours, as this may be when most people try to call in. Press and Journal claims that the best times to call are on Thursdays and Fridays.


No matter what, make sure that you allow yourself plenty of time. You can put the phone on speaker and do something productive while you are waiting.

Finding Unemployment Agencies' Information Online

State unemployment websites provide a great deal of information, so feel free to search the site while you are on hold with unemployment agencies. You may find what you need while you are waiting. For example, the Pennsylvania Office of Unemployment Compensation explains that claimants can get their benefits payment history through their online accounts. They also have links to information about pandemic assistance, supplemental unemployment benefits and extended benefits.


New York State Unemployment Assistance describes how their agency sends out monetary determination forms to applicants after new claims are made. This document includes the employers and wages used to determine the weekly benefits, the base period for establishing the claim and the weekly payment amount. As in every state, claimants must certify their benefits every week to receive benefits.

Consider also:How to Check Your Unemployment Benefits


