A settlement letter to a landlord is used when you have entered into an agreement regarding the leasing of property but cannot fulfill your financial arrangements, or disagree on the total financial debt following the culmination of your written agreement. It should be used to legally agree on a financial settlement amount and close negotiations.
Step 1
Write a formal introduction. Include your name, contact information and the date in the header of the letter. Note the landlords full name and address below your own. Address the landlord formally, using salutations such as "Ms." or "Mr."
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Step 2
Clearly state the intention of the letter. Note what the letter is regarding, the issue it pertains to, and all legal information that pertains to the settlement and the disagreement. Include details such as the address of the property and amount of money in question. Note that agreement of the terms of the letter will be indicated by a dated signature of both parties at the bottom of the document.
Step 3
Outline the payment that is being suggested. Note when that payment is to be received, upon signing of the agreement. Note the terms of this agreement, specifying whether it is payment in full or a payment plan.
Step 4
Include any legal notes. Consult a lawyer to address concerns about legal repercussions if there are any related to the dispute. Indicate whether this settlement is meant to resolve legal claims, break any legal agreements, and/or end legal negotiations.
Step 5
Include conditions. Note the time frame in which the agreement must be signed and the payment received. Write that this agreement, once signed, is agreed to be legally binding. Include clearly marked spaces for all signatures and dates, indicating which line is for the landlord and which for the tenant. Ask to receive a signed copy of the final agreement.
Step 6
Clearly address the letter. Have the letter delivered with receipt confirmation. Include return postage to expedite the process of receiving a copy of the signed agreement. Store copies in a safe place for your legal records.
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