How to Apply for an Extension of Unemployment Benefits in Virginia

How to Apply for an Extension of Unemployment Benefits in Virginia
Image Credit: FotoMak/iStock/GettyImages

Each week that you collect unemployment benefits in Virginia lowers the amount you have left to collect. Once you exhaust your entire initial award from the Virginia Employment Commission, you may be eligible for extensions of unemployment benefits awarded by the federal government. You must meet the same qualifications as you did for initial unemployment benefits.


Step 1

Use up all of your initial unemployment benefits in Virginia. You do not qualify for the extension until you have collected all of the initial benefits.

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Step 2

The Virginia Employment Commission will automatically send you the extension application by mail.


Step 3

Complete the application, which is identical to the initial unemployment application. You must again list your previous employers during the previous 18 months and why you lost your job.


Step 4

Submit the application to the Virginia Employment Commission using the envelope provided. If approved, you will start receiving your weekly unemployment claim forms, which you fill out in the same way as your initial weekly claim forms.

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