How to Make $300 in a Weekend

Whether you have an emergency requiring some fast cash or just some free time on your days off, you can find ways to turn your weekend into a money-making venture. Be prepared to work hard, use some creativity and consider some non-traditional ideas for earning extra cash.

Buy and Sell

Enter the world of second-hand sales to make a quick buck. People looking for used items have time to shop during weekend days, so focus your selling efforts on Friday evening and all day Saturday and Sunday.


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Sell Unused Items You Already Have

Earn some fast cash without any monetary investment by selling things you no longer need. Look through your closets, garage, basement and storage areas and cull items that you haven't used or won't mind parting with. Sell your items by:


  • Hosting a yard sale
  • Listing them in your local newspaper's classified ads
  • Listing them in free local online classifieds, such as Craigslist
  • Listing them online on sites, such as eBay
  • Check with antique dealers or collectors for specialty items

For best results, sell higher-value items through classified ads. List antiques or collectibles online or check with local dealers to see if they're interesting in buying your items. Smaller value items -- such as clothing, books, small appliances, baby equipment and toys -- do well at yard sales where prices tend to be lowest.


Find Bargains and Mark Them Up

Buy merchandise and re-sell it for a profit. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination, but you'll do best by focusing on items with which you're familiar. For instance, if you're a voracious reader, you might buy used books and re-sell them at a higher price. Ask friends, family members and neighbors if they have books they'd like to donate, buy books at yard sales or thrift shops, or find wholesalers where you can purchase entire pallets of books for pennies apiece. Then, re-sell the books in classified ads or through online markets such as's vendor program. Other items you might sell include:



  • Vintage or name-brand clothing
  • Appliances
  • Furniture
  • Collectibles
  • Tools
  • Antiques

According to Franklin Gillette, author of "How to Make Extra Money at Home Right Now," many sellers earn up to $500 over a weekend by buying new merchandise for resale at flea markets and swap meets. Choose the type of merchandise you'd like to carry and find wholesale vendors to obtain goods cheaply. Then set up your booth at a local swap meet or flea market.


Use Your Skills

Take stock of the skills you possess and find out if there's a local market for your services.

Tutoring and Teaching

If you can help kids with math, English, history or science homework, you can earn up to $50 per hour or more tutoring over the weekend. Consider offering tutoring to adults as well -- many of whom might pay for instruction in computer programs or other skills such as cooking, sewing, cake decorating or carpentry


If you're proficient at playing a musical instrument, offer lessons. Check with other music teachers in your area to determine the current rate for music lessons. Music teachers generally offer either half-hour or hour-long lessons, once per week.


Officiate for Sports Leagues

If you have experience in a team sport such as baseball, hockey or basketball, check with your local recreation leagues to find officiating opportunities for adult or children's games. Some referees earn around $50 per game.


Use Your Muscles

If you look around your community, you'll find plenty of temporary work opportunities. Check online ads for people who need temporary labor for moving, landscaping or lawn mowing. Walk dogs or house-sit for people who are out of town over the weekend. Offer babysitting for parents who'd like a date night or weekend away.


Make sure to check your local and state laws. Many local communities have regulations regarding yard or garage sales. State laws typically apply to those who offer childcare or open businesses.

