The average investor may be surprised to find that there are thousands of business ventures that are offering investment opportunities. The diverse landscape of investment opportunities in the United States reflects the ambitions, ingenuity and creativity of business owners. Search for different investment opportunities that match your desired levels of risk and reward.
Step 1
Start your search for investment opportunities by looking at your present holdings and business connections. The average investor may find a business owner or operator who has an idea for a subsidiary company that needs startup capital.
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Step 2
Save links to business blogs and online publications that highlight investment opportunities in your particular industry. Every investor should look for blogs and websites geared toward their area of expertise to increase the chance of finding a good business opportunity.
Step 3
Flip through the pages of small business magazines and newspapers in your community to keep your investments local. These publications rely on advertising funds from local franchises, chains and businesses who want to reach out to local business people.
Step 4
Examine the process of investing in a franchise that would fill a need in your community. There are plenty of investors who spend their money on Quiznos, Subway and CarX franchises in order to gain hands-on experience in the business world.
Step 5
Attend conferences held by industry groups and universities to listen to business proposals from inventors and company owners. These conferences allow investors to network with each other, discover cutting-edge products and put their fingers on the pulse of local business.
Step 6
Locate business incubators in your community to find individuals and businesses with products that are worthy of investment. These facilities are run by local groups and governments that offer low-rent office space and networking opportunities to area businesses in exchange for a more robust local economy.
Step 7
Solicit business proposals from campus groups and individuals at local universities to get ahead of fellow investors. Most colleges have student groups that work on scientific and commercial endeavors that may be profitable for savvy investors.
Reduce the risk of investing in a new company by gathering a group of investors. This approach to investing may reduce the impact that each member of the group on the company's direction but potential losses are reduced greatly.
Avoid ripoffs and failed investments by researching the background of investors, managers and owners with a particular company. Every person at the ownership level of a small company should be willing to submit documents certifying clean credit as well as success in past endeavors.
Things You'll Need
Proposals from prospective businesses
Contact list for area schools and business groups
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