A job interview can be a grueling experience, especially if you aren't sure what questions the hiring manager will ask. But there are some common interview questions you can expect. By coming up with a few questions and answers in advance, you can rehearse, boosting the chances you'll do a good job when the big day arrives.
Tell Me About Yourself
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This part of the interview process can be tougher than it seems. It's important to show a strong sense of self-awareness while focusing your answers on your career goals. Discuss what motivates you and what you expect your career path to be.
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While you're preparing personal questions, think of some answers in case you get the dreaded "greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses" question. Beware of coming up with some canned answer like, "I'm the type of person who works too hard." Instead, a good answer states your weakness but also describes how you've worked to overcome it.
The interviewer will be listening closely to determine whether this position is the right fit for you.
Why Do You Want This Job?
If you're looking for a new job, chances are you have a reason. But any hiring manager will want to know that you're specifically interested in this position. Job seekers should always carefully review the job description and be able to cite specific features of the job that appeal to them.
This is where research can come in. Before you show up for the interview, make sure you understand the company culture and the type of work. You should not only be able to answer why you want this job, but you should also understand it yourself.
Describe Your Dream Job
This is one question that only you can answer. It's important to connect your answer to the new position you're interviewing for, but it should also be truthful. Pull out aspects of the position that fit your short- and long-term goals, and be aware of the features that match your skillset.
The interviewer will be listening closely to determine whether this position is the right fit for you. This benefits you as much as it does the person interviewing since it ensures you'll be happy with the job. In addition to stating why this job will be good for you, you should also show that you'll be a team player and will look out for the best interests of the company as a whole.
Why Should We Hire You?
This question makes the list of common job interview questions for a reason. A hiring manager wants candidates to be honest, but this is also a great opportunity to pitch yourself for the position. This is another area where researching the company and the role in advance can really help you craft an answer.
First, state what you understand about the job and the qualities a good candidate will have. Then use the behavioral interview questions style of showing why you're a good fit. If you have solid problem-solving abilities, talk about a time when you had to use those skills to resolve an issue and, if possible, relate it to the position.
What's Your Ideal Work Environment?
Long before the interview, you should know the answer to this question. Think through the perfect work environment for you and, if possible, write it down. Then, as you're looking at job openings, refer back to that list and see if it matches.
When an interviewer asks this question, that interviewer wants to know: why do you want to work here? Pull things from your description of an ideal job that align with this position and mention them here. If you've observed the recruiter prioritizes teamwork, for instance, you can explain how you do this in your current job or ideally how your next job will allow you to collaborate with others to get the work done.
Consider also: Things You Don't Need to Do Before a Job Interview
Making it through the hiring process isn't easy, but it's important to ensure a job is the right fit for you. From the start, look beyond the salary range and learn as much as possible about the job duties, the company culture and the mission statement to boost the chances you'll land a position that will grow with you.