It can be embarrassing to not be able to pay for a transaction because your credit card was declined. This might happen because you don't have enough money on your balance to cover the purchase, or because your Visa card issuer suspects fraudulent behavior based on a recent shopping pattern. If your bank has locked the card, you can resolve the problem quickly and have it unlocked.

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Contact Your Bank
Even though the card has a Visa logo on it, your bank is your credit card issuer, and it is responsible for taking security measures on your behalf, like locking your card. Contact your bank to unlock the card. Typically, the customer service number is on the back of the card. If you reach an automated response service when you call, select the most suitable option for handling credit card issues. Give the representative information to identify yourself, such as your name, current address and a PIN you might have set up. You may also be asked to answer a predetermined security question.
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Unlock Your Card
The customer service representative will explain why your credit card has been blocked and may ask for additional information to verify the transaction that triggered the block. For instance, this might have happened if you made a purchase in a different state from where you live or if multiple transactions happened in a short amount of time, such as within the hour. The agent will unlock your card while you are on the phone, after you have proven your identity, confirmed that you still have the card and verified your purchase.
Why it Happens
Your bank can block your Visa credit card any time it notices suspicious activity on it. In addition to those mentioned earlier, common causes include a transaction with an unusually large amount; a small transaction followed by a large one; and purchases in various states in a short amount of time. These shopping habits are similar to those of someone using a card fraudulently.
Avoid Future Occurrences
You can ensure that your bank does not block your card when it hasn't been stolen if you keep your bank informed and take steps to protect yourself. Before you travel, for instance, call customer service and tell them where you are going, and when. Also, enroll in your bank's fraud protection program, such as Verified by Visa, and promptly respond to any message or phone call from your bank about recent transactions.