It's extremely awkward to be at a cash register and have your EBT card declined, especially when others are waiting behind you. In some cases, you might be just a small amount over your available balance. Checking your Tennessee Benefit Security EBT card balance before you shop each time is a quick task and can help you make sure you have enough credit on your card to pay for what you've put in your cart.
Read More: How Does an EBT Card Work?
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Set Up a PIN
Before you can use your EBT card and access certain features, you'll need to get a Personal Identification Number for your card. You can call 888-997-9444. Have the following information ready to set up your PIN:
- Your card's 16-digit account number
- The date of birth for the primary cardholder
- The primary cardholder's Social Security number
You can also call this number to change your PIN in the event that you've forgotten it or believe someone else might have guessed it or found it out.
Read More: How to Activate an EBT Card
Register Your Account
When you get your card, go to the EBT website to set up an online account that lets you access a variety of features for your card, including checking your balance. In addition to the three pieces of information you used (above) to set up your PIN, you'll need to create a user ID and password.
Make sure to write them down after you create them and memorize them. Don't keep them in your wallet or purse with your EBT card. The instructions for setting up your user ID and password include the following:
The user ID must be at least four characters and no more than 10. You may use any combination of numbers or letters, which will not be case-sensitive. Your password will need to be at least eight characters and a maximum of 16 characters. It must be a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers, with at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and one number. You can use special characters, like _ and @, for your password. Your password will be case-sensitive.
Read More: How to Track Food Stamp Purchases
Checking Your Balance
You can check your balance by calling the number on the back of your card or by logging into the account you created at ConnectEBT.com. You can also ask a cashier to do a balance check before you make a transaction.
Working with a cashier, once you know your balance, you can begin processing your purchases, watching the checkout screen update as the cashier scans each item. The screen should give you a rolling total. As you get close to your balance limit, the cashier should slow down and ring up one item, look at your balance and then either continue or stop.
Depending on how many people are waiting in line, you might ask the cashier to remove certain items she's already scanned if you feel you're not going to be able to purchase other, unscanned items you need.
You can get more food using your SNAP benefits (or your own money) if you learn how to smart-shop, advises Food Stamp Challenge.com. Learn how sales, paper and digital coupons, manager’s specials, BOGOs, loyalty programs, fuel points and other deals work to get more food while spending less.