How to Inexpensively Decorate a House Like a Log Cabin

Faux log walls are the first step in thrifty cabin decor.

If lining your walls with authentic wooden planks and indulging in a bear skin rug is a little beyond your budget, there are plenty of inexpensive options to give your home a log cabin feel. Start by creating "log" walls with a faux painting effect, and finish by focusing on natural elements for decor.


Log Cabin Walls

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Step 1

Prime walls and allow them to dry. Paint a brown base coat and allow it to dry. Apply a second coat if needed.

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Step 2

Tape horizontal lines across an entire wall, about 6-8 inches apart. Make a brown glaze by mixing equal parts brown paint, paint thinner and glazing liquid. Repeat with white paint for a white glaze.


Step 3

Dampen your cloth in the brown glaze and wipe it horizontally across the taped section, re-dampening when you start to run out of paint. Instead of applying the paint in solid stripes, make random patterns that resemble what you would find in nature.

Step 4

Dampen a second cloth in the white glaze and wipe it sporadically over the brown glaze.


Step 5

Dip the cork in the brown glaze and apply it to the darkest areas of the "wood" planks.

Step 6

Lift up the tape before the paint has dried.


Add The Decor

Step 1

Install simple window treatments. A gingham curtain without blinds provides a simple and charming effect.


Step 2

Cover the floors with braided jute area rugs or a faux fur rug.

Step 3

Choose furniture that is primarily constructed with wood. Keep an eye out for pictures or knick-knacks that have a nature theme. A thrift store is a good place to find economically-priced items.


Step 4

Install nature-inspired light fixtures, such as antler chandeliers and wall sconces. Lamps and other fixtures should give off a warm, natural light.

Things You'll Need

  • Primer

  • Brown satin-finish paint

  • Paint roller

  • Dark brown oil paint

  • White oil paint

  • Paint thinner

  • Glazing liquid (oil-based)

  • 1/2" or thinner masking tape

  • 2 Rags

  • Bottle Cork

  • Wooden furniture

  • Simple curtains

  • Jute area rugs

  • Natural light fixtures

