All Americans have a right to a trial by a jury of their peers. This means that at some point in your life, you could serve on a jury. Jurors are selected from a pool of registered voters and licensed drivers. If you are called for jury duty, you are legally obligated to comply with the request, unless you have a legitimate excuse for exclusion. For those who do serve, the courts offer compensation for time missed from work, transportation costs, and room and board if you must stay overnight in a hotel.
Step 1
Serve on a jury. When you receive the notice that you have been selected for jury duty, attend court on the appointed day and time in the notice. If you are selected and seated on a jury, you will be eligible for jury pay. When you have fulfilled your jury duties, this information will be recorded and you will be issued a check.
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Step 2
Wait for the check to arrive. Most courts issue checks to jurors by mail. The check generally arrives a week to 10 days after the juror serves jury duty. Payment for jury duty varies widely by state, from $2 a day in South Carolina to $50 a day in several other states, as of June 2011. According to the U.S. Courts website, if you serve on a federal jury, the pay is $40 a day for trials that last a week or less, and $50 a day for trials that last more than 10 days. If you are selected to serve on a grand jury, the pay is $40 a day for the first 44 days; then $50 a day for 45 days or more of service. All figures are as of June 2011.
Step 3
Present your check to a bank for payment. You can cash or deposit the check at your bank or you can present the check to the issuing bank. You will need to show proof of identification, such as a driver's license. Remember to endorse the check by signing your name on the back.
If you have special circumstances for which you need compensation, such as childcare, parking fees or a parking ticket, inform the court and these expenses will be refunded to you as part of your jury pay.
Do not ignore a jury summons. Doing so can result in being escorted to court by an officer of the court, or even to a warrant's being issued for your arrest.
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