Does My Farm Bureau Car Insurance Cover My Windshield?

Does My Farm Bureau Car Insurance Cover My Windshield?
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If you're a Farm Bureau auto insurance customer, you might wonder, "Does insurance cover windshield replacement or repair?" The answer will depend on the type of insurance coverage you have since certain conditions apply.


Replacement is not included in standard liability insurance, but it is part of collision and comprehensive coverage options as well as being included in no-fault insurance coverage in locations where such coverage is available. Even if you have windshield insurance coverage, you'll have to decide whether it's even worth filing a claim after paying the deductible, and this decision that will vary according to your car insurance policy.

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Comprehensive Windshield Insurance Coverage

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance shows that you can choose from comprehensive coverage among the various car insurance options available. This type of coverage includes windshield and window replacement, theft, vandalism and other damages and losses to your car that do not have a specific fault. For example, if your car is parked outside during a storm and a large tree branch falls and cracks the windshield, then your comprehensive coverage would help you.


On the other hand, if the windshield was damaged because of someone else causing an accident, it would be covered under that person's property damage liability. This is part of the required minimum insurance coverage in most states.

Collision Insurance Coverage

Collision insurance is the type of coverage that is used to pay for repairs that you may have caused to your own vehicle, explains the New York State Department of Financial Services. Windshield replacement falls under collision coverage if you hit a tree or other object, if something is dropped or thrown or in a situation where you cause the damage with something else, such as breaking the back glass out of your truck accidentally while loading lumber or pipe.



Insurance Claims and Deductibles

In order for your comprehensive or collision insurance to cover windshield replacement, you will first have to pay any deductibles for the coverage being used. That means you'll need to answer the question, "Should I use my insurance to replace my windshield?"


Progressive suggests that you should keep in mind that situations in which the full cost of repairs is less than the deductible will not require filing a claim at all. For example, it could cost $500 to fix your windshield but $1,000 to pay your insurance deductible. In that case, you get off cheaper just getting it fixed out of pocket.


If the replacement is only slightly more than your deductible, it may be in your best interest to pay the entire cost out of pocket to avoid potential increases in your annual premiums. However, it can be worth filing a claim if you have a low deductible but a high potential cost to fix or replace your windshield. Of course, if you lack windshield insurance coverage at all, you won't have the option to get compensated anyway for the damage.


Determining Repairs vs. Replacements

Minor windshield damage may be more economically repaired than replaced, and your Farm Bureau policy may include provisions for when repairs will be made instead of full replacement. In this situation, you will most likely have to pay for the full repair out-of-pocket because the cost amounts to less than your insurance deductible. Repairable damage includes chips and scratches, but does not usually include cracks because of the potential for the damage to increase over time.


You should refer to your Farm Bureau insurance policy or contact your agent to determine the best approach to your specific needs and learn more about your windshield insurance coverage options.


