What Is a Creditor Statement?

Creditors periodically send statements to borrowers to keep debtors informed of changes to their policies, including account terms and conditions, interest rates and principal amounts. To convey accurate debt summaries, lenders implement specific procedures in adherence to regulatory guidelines, such as the Federal Reserve Bank standards and Federal Trade Commission stipulations.


Statement Purpose

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A creditor statement is any document a lender sends to a borrower or group of borrowers, advising about things such as loan status, interest rate modification, change in account terms and payment schedule reminders. The lender often does so to ensure prompt payment and loan reporting accuracy. For a debtor, the statement provides important elements to match the borrower's data to the lender's records. For example, if you take out a car loan, reviewing the lender's monthly statement helps you correct potential errors and ensure you and the creditor are on the same page with respect to principal and interest amounts.


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Personal Finance Implications

A creditor statement helps a borrower see whether repayment efforts are bearing fruit and gradually reducing the loan principal. If the debtor is not abiding by loan terms, the creditor may signal the default to credit reporting agencies and possibly initiate litigation. In a sense, a lender summary provides early signs of borrower financial trouble, particularly if the debtor is several months behind in principal repayments. For example, a credit card company sends monthly statements to account holders, detailing how much they owe, interest charges for the month and the total outstanding balance.


Credit Risk

The preparation and publication of loan statements are integral to a lender for credit risk mitigation. Credit risk, a type of financial exposure, is the loss probability arising from a borrower's default. This may happen if the debtor files for bankruptcy or is barely making ends meet. By sending periodic creditor statements, a bank takes salutary steps to shore up its balance sheet and evaluate its aggregate exposures at a given point in time. The bank can tell how much all customers owe at the end of a period, such as a month or quarter. Knowing that number can help management decide to reduce loan grants in subsequent periods, a move aimed at bringing its loan book back to less risky, reasonable levels.


Regulatory Guidelines

Government watchdogs set guidelines a lender must follow when communicating with a borrower. These norms cover everything from what the creditor must write and disclose in the statement to how effectively the lender must handle a borrower's personal data. Regulatory agencies at the forefront of financial compliance and transparency include the Federal Consumer Protection Bureau and the Federal Reserve Board.

