Mobile Home Eviction Laws

People who live in mobile home parks may be entitled to special protections against eviction over and above what tenants in "standard" housing normally receive. Each state sets its own laws, however, and eviction protections may extend only to mobile home owners rather than those who rent the home from its owner or the mobile home park.


Mobile Home Park Laws

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States and cities set their own mobile home park laws, and these laws are usually separate and distinct from existing landlord-tenant laws. Mobile home park laws address issues such as the responsibilities of both park owners and residents, as well as the circumstances under which a part tenant can be evicted. Eviction laws for mobile home parks are often stricter than those for tenants living in rental homes or buildings, as it can be very difficult to move a mobile home once it is installed at a mobile home park.


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Owners Versus Renters

If you rent, rather than own your mobile home, check your area's mobile home park law to see if it applies to you. In some places, the special protections afforded by manufactured home park laws apply only to those who own their mobile home. If you live in one of these areas, you may be covered only by your state's landlord-tenant act.


Grounds for Eviction

Grounds for eviction from a mobile home park can be far more limited than the grounds for eviction from other types of housing. If you own your mobile home, the owners of your park usually can evict you only if you repeatedly violate park rules or fail to pay your rent for an extended period. Another circumstance under which you can be evicted is if the park owner plans to sell the park or to use the land for another project or business. In addition, your mobile home park landlord may be obligated to renew your lease unless he can document that you have a history of non-payment of rent or park rule violations.



Eviction Process

Mobile home park laws often give tenants an extended amount of time before they can be forced to leave their homes. In cases in which a park owner decides to eliminate the park and use the land for other purposes, some states give tenants as much as a year's notice before an eviction can take place and may also require the landlord to make cash payments to tenants to help them relocate their mobile home.

