How to Write Letters to Insurance Companies

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Image Credit: ChrisMilesPhoto/iStock/Getty Images

When you have a question, a dispute or a disagreement with your insurance provider, you will need to write them a letter. While many companies have telephone operators, e-mail servers and even smartphone apps to track and document interactions between insurers and policy holders, a written letter provides physical evidence of the communication. These letters can be highly useful in legal cases and can demonstrate the frequency and tone of the responses between the two parties.


Inquiry Letter

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You may need to inquire about specific aspects of the coverage offered in your policy. In that case, send an inquiry letter to the insurer with your questions. The letter should follow the format of a standard business letter and include a personal salutation. You can typically find out the addressee's name and position on the company's website. For instance, if the addressee's name is "Emmett Brown," you should use the salutation "Dear Mr. Brown:" rather than "To Whom It May Concern."


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Claims Request Letter

When you need to file a claim on your policy, you will need to write a claims request letter to the insurer. The letter will explain the circumstances of your claim and how you complied with the terms outlined in the policy. The request letter should contain as many details about the incident as possible. For example, when filing a health insurance claim, mention when and how the injury or illness occurred, as well as the treatment received.


Claims Demand Letter

If the insurer has not responded in a timely manner, you can write a demand letter. A demand letter should reiterate the details of the incident that prompted the claim. The demand letter also should include lists of the expenses you have incurred since the incident. These expenses can include hospital stays, physician office visits, prescription medications, lost wages and other inconveniences or embarrassments. The demand letter should also contain the total amount you believe you should receive, as well as a deadline for the company's response.



Appeal Letter

If the insurer has denied your claim, you can write an appeal letter. An appeal letter prompts the insurer to reconsider their denial of your claim and review your case. The appeal letter should include details about the claim, as well as the reasons the insurer cited for denying the claim. For instance, if the insurer denied the claim on the grounds that the procedure was not medically necessary, the appeal letter can include documentation from medical experts showing that it was critical for your continued health.

