How to Become a Tax Preparer in Georgia

Anyone can become a tax preparer in Georgia.

Each year, around the end of January or beginning of February, people around the United States begin to gather all their income documents and deductible receipts, to prepare for tax season. In Georgia, this process is no different. Many people do not know that anyone can prepare taxes. However, to work with a tax preparation company there are specific requirements. Overall, to become a tax preparer in Georgia there are some steps to take to be successful.


Step 1

Decide if you want to prepare taxes independently or for a tax preparation business. To prepare taxes independently for family and friends involves creating your own path to become a tax preparer. To prepare taxes for a company such as H&R Block, you would need to adhere to that specific company's guidelines and requirements.


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Step 2

Take tax preparation courses. If you want to work with a company, often the company will provide tax training classes or online tools to learn the curriculum they require. Companies oftentimes will have the tax preparer "test out" once they finish the classes, or if an individual doesn't feel the need to take classes. If you choose to prepare taxes independently, look into tax preparation classes at local junior colleges or technical schools.There are many schools in Georgia that offer classes in tax preparation.


Step 3

Enroll in accounting classes at the local junior college or through a university in your town in Georgia. Accounting classes are closely related to tax preparation and will provide you with valuable information.

Step 4

Take a basic tax preparation course. This will familiarize you with specific information such as amendments and tax credits specific to Georgia and relevant to the current year, as well as working with W-2s, and Forms 1099 and 1040.



Step 5

Become comfortable with the Internet and filing documents electronically. Many times your clients will want you to prepare taxes and file electronically since this ensures they will get their refund sooner.

Step 6

Take the basic IRS Certification exam. If you want to work for a company, this is important to take and pass. If you want to prepare taxes for people independently, passing this test would increase the confidence of everyone involved.


Step 7

Take classes related specifically to tax preparation in Georgia. An example would be a class in "Education Tax Credits and Deductions in Georgia."

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