Getting free coffee and free coffee samples from Starbucks, McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts is easy! McDonalds free coupons are unnecessary, no purchase is necessary. To receive free coffee without a coupon, try:
Step 1
Register for a free sample of Dunkin Donuts coffee at: https://dunkinathome.safeprocessing.com/ complete the online registration including your name, address, email, birthdate. A free sample of dunkin donuts bagged coffee will be mailed to your street address. That is better than using a free coffee discount coupon!
Video of the Day
Step 2
Visit McDonalds restaurants on Wednesday for a free sample of the new coffee Frappe. McDonalds coupons are not necessary! Promotion available for a limited time.
Step 3
Check your local Dunkin Donuts location for special discount savings. For instance, the Dallas Fort-Worth location is offering a medium coffee for just 25 cents every Monday through the NFL season. In addition, customers can redeem their Dallas Cowboys game ticket stub for a free medium hot coffee weekdays after the game.
Step 4

Visit Steak n Shake weekdays between 2 - 4 pm for half price beverages including coffee and milkshakes. Buying 2 discounted coffees at Ā½ price is like getting one free coffee!
Step 5
Get a free $50 gift card for your favorite coffee at: http://www.mfl-center.com/Uckp061dd8680?sud=36659- Choose from 3 great coffee chains: Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Coffee Beanery. Simply complete the online survey and participation requirements.
Step 6

On Election Day, take your "I Voted" sticker to Starbucks Coffee for a free cup of coffee.
Step 7
Chicagoland area Dunkin Donuts offered a free medium cup of coffee as a way of saying thanks to Chicago for all the hard work that went into the 2016 Olympic bid. No purchase necessary.
Step 8
Follow your local Dunkin Donuts on twitter for daily specials including free coffee samples!
Step 9

Sign up for a My Starbucks Rewards card at:
With regular trips to Starbucks, you can earn rewards including Starbucks free coffee and free lattes!
Step 10
Unsnobbycoffee.com offered a free unsnobby McCafe McDonalds coffee beverage for a short period of time. Visit this site occasionally to see if any free McDonalds coffee promotions are offered.
Step 11

Check local newspapers and residential mail offerings for McDonalds free coupons. McDonalds restaurant franchise offers a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Beverage coupon.
Register more than 1 family member to receive multiple free samples. Simply use a different email address. Visit the restaurant franchise website for specific nutrition information including McDonalds nutrition facts.
Visit Starbucks in moderation - some Starbucks beverages are not that nutritious.
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