How to Mail a Stock Certificate

How to Mail a Stock Certificate. Mailing a stock certificate is just as risky as mailing cash--once endorsed, if it falls into the wrong hands, it will not make it to its destination. There are a few safeguards to use when mailing a stock certificate to ensure it gets to its destination. Use these steps to learn how to smartly and safely mail a stock certificate.


Step 1

Get the stock certificate from your financial planner or bank, along with a stock power document. You will need both of these things to complete the remaining steps.

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Step 2

Prepare the first envelope to be mailed. It will contain the unendorsed stock certificate (this is important--if it is endorsed anyone can cash it) and a letter indicating the person to receive the stock certificate along with your complete contact information.


Step 3

Assemble Envelope #2 to include a signed, signature-guaranteed stock power. Address both envelopes completely with your information and the recipient's information.


Step 4

Take them both to your local post office and asked them to be mailed Registered. It would be wise to have delivery confirmation and a signature for the recipient only added as well. If you are sending a large amount, consider adding insurance.

Step 5

Advise the recipient of the date and method of which you mailed both envelopes. Ask them to alert you once they arrive safely.


If you are unsure about mailing the stock certificates yourself, ask your financial planner or bank for assistance.

Things You'll Need

  • Stock certificate

  • Two envelopes

  • Registered mail postage

  • Stock power document

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