How to Ask for a Job-offer Letter

Writing a letter to ask for a job offer is an assertive move. Job candidates usually wait for the employer to issue the offer. However, circumstances may make asking for a job offer a sound strategy. For example, the hiring manager generally may have discussed job title, responsibilities, salary and start date – but not put it in writing. You can move things along by sending a letter requesting a formal offer. Writing a letter to ask for a job you have not interviewed for is inappropriate, however.


Step 1

Type the letter on white stationery. Confirm that you have the proper spelling, title and address for the hiring manager.

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Step 2

Thank the hiring manager for considering you for the position, and add that you are eager to get started. Tell the hiring manager that you have thought a lot about initial terms the two of you discussed and that you are prepared to accept the position.


Step 3

Write in the second paragraph that you would like the hiring manager to send you an official job offer letter with terms, including salary, if applicable and start date.


Step 4

Negotiate terms in the third paragraph. Tell the hiring manager your salary expectations and make any other requests, such as reimbursement of all relocation expenses, including temporary housing for the first 30 days. Also, ask the hiring manager to detail vacation and personal leave time, the date of your first salary review, and a summary of your responsibilities.

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