How to File 1099 Misc Forms in California

If you're a business owner, you're likely familiar with form Form 1099-MISC. It's the form you use to report income paid to an individual so he can report the income on his taxes. You don't have to file separate 1099-MISC forms in California if you file these returns electronically using the Combined Federal/State Filing Program or submit paper returns to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS automatically shares the information with the state. If you file electronically without participating in the combined program, however, you must mail a separate copy to the state.


How to File 1099 Misc Forms in California
Image Credit: SARINYAPINNGAM/iStock/GettyImages

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When You Need a 1099 Misc

You must issue Form 1099-MISC to any individual or independent contractor to whom you paid at least $600 for any of the following: rents, services, prizes, awards or income payments. Don't issue a 1099-MISC for personal payments, only payments you made in your business or trade.


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Fill Out the Form

You can purchase 1099-MISC forms from office supply stores or order them directly from the IRS. Complete each form by entering the legal name of your business or trade and your business's federal identification number. Enter the recipient's full name and identification number. Report the total payments on the appropriate line, such as non-employee compensation on line 7. The form has multiple parts. Copy B and Copy 2 are for the recipient. Copy A must be sent to the IRS. Copy C is for your records. Copy 1 is for the state. Only mail the copy to the California Franchise Tax Board if you're filing electronically without using the IRS combined program.


How to File Form 1096

You must complete and mail Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of information Returns, to the IRS. The form is a summary of all the 1099-MISC forms you've filed. You can mail it to the address listed on the instructions. If you've sent out 250 or more 1099-MISC forms, you must submit your 1096 electronically.



Don't Miss the Mailing Deadline

The 1099-MISC forms must be mailed to your vendors by January 31. If you're mailing the forms to the IRS, send them out no later than the last day of February. If you're filing electronically, you can submit the forms by March 31. California uses the same filing deadlines as the IRS. If you don't send your 1099-MISC forms out to vendors by the required deadline, you can face penalties based on how late you are.

