What Is a Material Fact in Insurance?

In life, things do not always go as planned. People get injured, pipes burst and sometimes drivers don't pay attention. When life presents you with these types of situations, it is important to know that you have relevant insurance coverage. A lack of insurance can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs and/or medical expenses. Insurers determine a persons eligibility for insurance based on information known as material facts.


Material Facts

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Material facts are based on the legal principal of "utmost good faith," which requires a person who is seeking insurance of any kind to disclose any and all information that could be deemed relevant by an insurer. This information, known as material fact, may be any fact or facts that an insurance underwriter could use to assess the level of risk associated with insuring a particular individual. This degree of risk is what an insurer uses to determine your coverage and your premium, or cost.


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Home Insurance

Home insurance is usually an optional type of insurance purchased by those who own their home. In some cases, however, apartment buildings require renters to insure their apartments against damage. Material facts, as they relate to home insurance, can include general factors like the size of your home, your home's age and its location. In addition, things like owning a home security system and or upgrading your roof can result in a lower premium.


Auto Insurance

If you lease a car, most states require you to obtain full converge auto insurance, since you do not legally own the car; however, if you purchase a car in full, you can always choose to get no fault insurance, which provides the minimum amount of coverage in case you hit another vehicle. When determining your eligibility for car insurance an insurer will consider material facts like your age, how long you have been driving, your driving record and sometimes even your overall health.



Health Insurance

Most U.S. citizens find that health insurance is essential for maintaining good health and manageable health care costs. Most health insurance providers offer a variety of health insurance plans. Due to an increased awareness in the benefits of healthy eating and exercise, many health insurers offer reduced premiums to those who can provide material facts that demonstrate responsible behavior. Likewise, a person may be financially penalized for factors like smoking, obesity and a history of poor family health.

