Any sale of property should be legally documented through a written bill of sale. Whether you are buying or selling property, make sure that the bill of sale is legally valid to protect your interests. A legally valid bill of sale contains essentials terms and is signed by both parties.
Step 1
Hammer out the essential terms. Essential terms are the purchase price, the name and address of the seller, the name and address of the buyer and a description of the property.
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Step 2
Download and print a property bill of sale template from an online legal document resource taking care to use a bill of sale that is specifically formatted for your state. Alternatively, use the following template:
I____(seller), in consideration of**_dollars, do hereby sell, transfer and convey the following property** ***(property description) to *_** (buyer).
I, the undersigned seller, agree to sell the above property to the buyer for the above amount "as is." Upon completion of the sale I will transfer possession of the the property to the buyer within (number) days.
I, the undersigned buyer, accept the property "as is." I acknowledge receipt of the property at the time I take physically possession of it from the seller.
Dated this____day of _, 2010.
Sellers Name:___**_ Buyers Name:**___ Sellers Address: ___ Buyers Address: ___** Sellers Signature:___ Buyers Signature:___**
Witness Name:___**
Witness Address:_ ****__ Witness Signature:**__
Step 3
Sign and date the bill of sale to complete the transaction.
A bill of sale can only be used with personal property. To sell real property, you need a land sales contract which is similar to a bill of sale.
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