How to Claim Overpayment of OSADI Taxes

A close look at a paycheck stub shows several deductions from wages earned. Everyone has withholding for Federal income tax and for Social Security. Social Security is the only item withheld that is subject to a maximum. In 2010, maximum wages subject to Social Security withholding is $106,800. If you work for more than one employer, and your total income is over $106,800, it is possible to have too much Social Security withheld. In that case, you must file for a refund of the excess Social Security paid.


Step 1

Add together all of the Social Security withheld from your wages, shown in box 4 of your Forms W-2. For instance, if you worked for two employers and one withheld $3,844 and one withheld $2,926.40, the total Social Security withheld is $6,770.40.

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Step 2

Subtract the total of Social Security withheld from the annual limit for the year you are filing. For 2009, the maximum is $6,621.60. For the example given above, $6,770.40 - $6,621.60 = $148.80 overpayment.


Step 3

Enter the amount of the overpayment on line 69 of Form 1040. If you are using Form 1040A, add the amount of the overpayment to the credits you calculate for line 44, write "Excess SST" and the amount of the credit in the space to the left of line 44.


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