What Does a R9 Credit Score Mean?

A notation of "R9" next to an account on a credit report is not actually a credit score but rather a code that indicates the payment status of that account. Payment status affects your credit score, however, and an R9 status code is bad. It means the creditor considers your debt uncollectible.


Rating System

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The R9 code comes from the North American Standard Account Ratings, a system used by the major credit bureaus for preparing credit reports. The "R" means it's a revolving credit account, such as a credit card or a line of credit. If it were an installment loan, such as a car loan or mortgage, the code would start with an "I." The numeral tells you the status of the account.


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Number Codes

An R0 is a new account with too little activity to be evaluated; R1 is a current account -- paid on time and not past due. Ratings R2 through R5 indicate an account that's past due; the higher the number, the later it is. The R6 code is not used. An R7 code is a debt settled under a special arrangement, usually for less than the full amount owed; R8 is an account that resulted in a repossession. An account is coded R9 if the creditor decides it can't collect the debt. It may have simply written off the debt or sold it to a collection agency.



Credit Score Effect

Credit scores measure how risky it is to lend money to someone. So defaulting on an account -- going to R9 -- will undoubtedly hurt your score. Everyone's credit profile is different, but the Experian credit bureau says you can expect it to have a very negative impact on your score. Negative information stays on your credit report -- and can affect your score -- for up to seven years.

