Most Affordable Place to Live & Retire in the U.S.

Retiring individuals and couples often look for not only a beautiful or exciting place to spend their “Golden Years,” but an inexpensive location to live and enjoy life. When considering a place to retire, rural areas should be placed at the top of the affordability list.


Affordable Retirement Area

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Finding a retirement haven near a metropolitan area is an easy task in southern Ohio. Vinton County, located in the Hocking Hills region, offers affordable real estate, along with a multitude of recreational and cultural opportunities.


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Property Taxes and Housing Prices

Property taxes far below the national norm and inexpensive property prices have attracted a growing number of retirees to the area.

Typical Home Styles

A typical two-story home, with eight rooms, basement, garages and two baths can be found for less than $100,000. Retirees can find homes in many styles, including brick, for a fraction of the cost in urban areas.


Land Sales

Acreage can be purchased in small and large tracts, including wooded areas mixed with meadows, ponds or lake views and hiking trails. Acreage price varies, with plots typically starting at $1,200 per acre.



Hocking Hills Region

The Hocking Hills region is the second largest natural tourist attraction in the state of Ohio. Amish built cabins, large tracts of land and attractive homes for under $225,000 are prevalent in the area.

