How to Buy Google Stock Online

How to Buy Google Stock Online
Image Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/GettyImages
  1. Broker account



Be careful—trading stocks is a practice that is similar to gambling.

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You must hold onto a stock for three days before selling it. Trading time begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. Eastern.

Google is the leading search engine of America and continues to gain popularity across the globe. Since its inception, Google stock has multiplied as much as seven times over the years, earning the reputation as a strong blue chip stock. Although the price has dipped below its peak price, Google is a stock that will continue to ask for prices that are above average. Whether you are holding onto Google for the long haul or you are more of a swing trader, buying Google stock is easy and takes little time to do.


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How to Buy Google Stock Online

Step 1

Sign up with a stock broker if you have not done so already. It is recommended to review all of the terms and specifics of each company before choosing one. A few of the most popular brokers include Charles Schwab, E*Trade and TD Ameritrade. It may take a few days for your bank to clear your money deposit if you have just signed up with a broker.


Step 2

Log into your online broker account. Type the symbol "Goog" into the stock symbol search bar and press "Enter." The asking price, buyer rating, and current price trends of Google will now appear.


Step 3

Click the button that says "Trade" or whatever option your broker has to buy stocks. Click the radio button that says "Buy" and enter in the number of shares that you want to buy. Select the radio button that says "Market Order" and then click "Review Order."


Step 4

Refresh the screen if you are not pleased with the current asking price and wait till it goes down in your favor. Click "Confirm Order" when you want to buy the stock.

